It takes practice!

We spent Saturday and Sunday training with Karma’s extended family and some of our friends from our local Vizsla Club – The Vizsla Club of Colorado.   Olive, Gauge, Ella, and Cooper worked on Junior level bird work with Stoli’s son, Toby.  Then we had Karma and Mariika working at the Senior level (with a few guest appearances from Grandma Geli — who is a Senior Hunter herself!)  Finally, we wrapped up each day letting Lexi and Gavi get in some Master work with Tok, Indy, Stoli, and Caymus.

The most surprising part for us when Karma actually chased down and CAUGHT a bunny rabbit.  Then I remembered a lesson from my dearly departed mentor, Liz Krupinski — at that point, you gotta just treat it like a great retrieve.  I seem to remember Gavi bringing Liz a rabbit on our hunting trip in South Dakota in 2009.  So, as much as it killed me, I cheered her on and gladly took the Easter bunny out of her mouth.  Karma was so proud of herself, she about wiggled out of her skin.  Sigh.