MACH Shadow Box

Well, Karma finished her MACH at the FRAAD trial last year, and we JUST got around to framing her MACH ribbon.  We decided to include all of her Q ribbons, placement ribbons, and QQ ribbons from clubs that offered them.  We threw in a picture and her certificate and voila!  We gave the young lady, Simone, in the framing department of Hobby Lobby a bag of ribbons, explained the differences between green and the colored ones, and let her go to town.  She did an awesome job and it is a great graphical representation of all the hard work that goes into earning a Master Agility Championship.

This weekend Karma was able to compete in a couple runs, but Jenny’s Step-Dad was in town and we opted to skip out and hang out with him.  The steak dinner and cocktails he treated us to were nice and only topped by his company!  But we are still on our trek to qualify for the NAC in Perry, and Karma is ending the weekend with 26 more MACH points — just 85 more points to go!