Swimming lessons

In a previous life, Halo MUST have been a labrador.  This girl **LOVES** the water, so much so that she jumps in the shower every morning with us!  You can imagine how excited she was when she figured out she was big enough to jump over the edge of tub to access all that water.  We really wanted to figure out a way to get her some more water action (and have our privacy back) but 23 degree temps and snow on the ground aren’t exactly conducive to lake swimming.  Luckily, our friend Molly had the solution — indoor pool time!

Molly has a Kizmar girl herself, Penny (CH Storm Winds Kizmar Penny Lane) who also lives for water time.  Molly, being the perfect dog parent that she is, found a place where Penny could enjoy her swimming time even in the winter months.  And today was the day we were finally able to rendezvous!  Molly was also puppysitting Jetson (CH Boulder’s N Fusion’s Fly Boy) so we had a full crew for the pool.

Since this was Halo’s first time, she had to sport a very cute life vest.  She was a little curious/hesitant at first, but quickly decided chasing after Penny and her tennis ball was WAY too exciting.  Pretty soon she was swimming laps, so cool to watch her overcome her fears and (literally) jump in!  It was a really proud-parent moment.  Molly seemed to be just as excited, squealing in delight right along with Jenny at every jump baby Halo made.  Incidentally, Molly’s nickname for Halo is “Peso” — get it?  Like a mini-Penny?  They are total clones in looks and now with their love of swimming 🙂

Many more swimming dates are in our future, but for now we leave you with these videos of Halo taking the plunge.

Video 1: http://youtu.be/BfIHvoRVX5s

Video 2: http://youtu.be/9vhud7D5JUA

Video 3: http://youtu.be/aD_NkFidQww

**Halo in the green life vest, Penny in the pink collar, and Jetson is the naked Vizsla 🙂