Schmavitz’s Sweet 16

We can’t believe it, but he is SIXTEEN. Thinking back on his life, he is from this whole different phase of our lives. Jenny was young twenty-something living in Colorado Springs. She had bought her first house at 22 and then 6 months later decided she needed a dog. A flyer in the break room had a litter of puppies advertised, so she went straight after work. That’s right! Her first dog was from a backyard breeder. So terrible, and it’s why we work so hard to educate and helping people connect with a good breeder.

Post bath Schmav 🙂

Anyway, Schmav has been through Jenny’s whole adult life. And he was just 2 when we started dating. We just can’t imagine it without him. We are so blessed to have him on this journey! This last year he started losing his hearing and eyesight, so he basically just slept, ate, and took baths. This was also the year he got too old for grooming so we can now say we finally know how to groom our poodle. Hopefully we get better at it in year 16.

Happy birthday, Schmav.