Bird and agility training day

Indy honoring with a bird in his mouth.  Goofball.

We’ve had a pretty busy weekend!  Next week Karma is off to the National Agility Championship (NAC) (squee!) and there are also some hunt tests coming up this Spring, so we thought we would do a little prep this weekend.

Yesterday, Karmie went to see Dr. Grillo to get in some acupuncture before her big week.  She totally loved it and luckily Dr. Grillo didn’t find any areas of concern before our big week.

Today we hit the bird field in the morning.  We went training with much of Karma’s family and were impressed with everyone’s manners.  Indy was the funniest though. Since he is getting older, we don’t want him to overdue it, so we keep him in the crate while we train the younger pups. It’s a good idea in theory.  But he gets pretty upset that he can’t get out there and hunt with us for the whole time.

Today, when we let him out, of the car, he blasted out of the car.  We hadn’t even picked up our guns or let out any other dog to hunt with him.  We grabbed Tok (Karma’s Daddy) and headed out in the last direction we saw Indy run.  And there he was on point.  So we hustled out there.  Marc flushed and shot the bird and then Indy released himself to retrieve (no way he was letting the honoring dog get this bird.)  Then he fetched it up, and proceeded to parade it around to EVERYONE in the field.  So we let him just carry it.  That dog carried that bird around for another 20 minutes while we let Tok work a bird — honored with his bird in his mouth and everything.  It was hysterical.  He will be 12 in June, and we are just loving his old man antics.

This evening, Jenny drove Karma up to an agility workshop with her former trainer, Sarah, who was in town on her journey to the NAC too.  It was also her BFF Layla the Golden’s birthday!  So after the workshop, we celebrated with banana, peanut butter, carrot pupcakes Emily made for the occasion.  Perfect ending to a perfect day! 🙂

Stella, Aja, Layla, and Karma with their pupcakes (see the yellow cupcakes on the ground in front of them?)  Too funny that Layla runs with a Vizsla pack 🙂