Brandi goes to her forever home!

We love days like today.  Finally, after much anticipation, Brandi was officially adopted by her family.  The approval came through over a week ago, but with vacations already planned, we couldn’t make it official until today.  In fact, her family was even prepared to cancel their vacation to Florida if it meant they wouldn’t be able to adopt her — a far cry from her previous home, no?

Of course that was silly, and we were secretly excited to get to keep our Boo-Boo an extra week.  Marc had especially grown attached to her, as they had their own little routine.  Marc gets home from work, changes, and sits down in his leather chair to watch the news.  The second his gets in the chair, Brandi was sitting next to him expectantly.  He would give her permission and she would squeeze in between the arm rest and his lap.  I think it was both of their favorite parts of the day 🙂

Marc couldn’t be there to say goodbye today, but he gave Jenny plenty of reminders.  Don’t forget she eats this much food, don’t forget she gets her medicine on Sundays and Wednesdays, don’t forget to tell them we will babysit when they travel, please remember to ask them if we can get the dogs together again in a month or so, don’t forget…  it went on and on. Jenny tends to be a bleeding heart, but goodness, Marc is the real softie around here!!

Brandi basically walked in and felt like she owned the place!  She was sniffin’ around, drinking from the water bowl, and then headed out the doggy door to zoom around the yard with her new pack.

But we do want to share the back story on Amy and Chris as it is SUCH a touching one.  Sadly, about a year ago, they lost their 12 year old Vizsla to cancer.  Amy was up, missing her boy, and stubbled across our website.  She saw Brandi’s page and was horrified that someone would give up their senior dog.  She sent over the nicest email saying she was sure Brandi was adopted by now, but she just felt compelled to let us know that she couldn’t believe there were people out there that would do such a thing.  (Us either!)  We exchanged several emails after that, hooked them up with CWVRG, and the rest is history!

We look forward to many updates through the years on Brandi and feel so lucky that she was matched to such a wonderful home.  The best part is, we know Amy and Chris feel like the luck is on their side by getting to adopt her into their family.  Don’t you just love a happy ending?  Or should we say beginning?! 🙂