Meet Brandi!

Isn’t she the cutest?!  This is Brandi, our latest Foster dog.  She is just wonderful — polite, cuddly, and easy to be around.  She came to us on Friday and we tried to go easy on acclimating her to our regimen.

Friday was a tough day, as one of our friends lost their 6 year old Vizsla.  It was heartbreaking news to get, and it didn’t make us understand Brandi’s owners any better.  Our friends did everything they could to try and save their girl — took off work, took her to see specialists at CSU, covered their floors in carpeting to help her get traction, cooked her steak, etc.  We were all hoping for a cure and many more years, but it wasn’t to be.  And then there is Brandi’s owners who dumped her at a shelter after raising her for NINE years because their kids left for college and she was too high maintenance.  Don’t get me wrong, we are glad that Brandi is now “in the system” and will be matched to an amazing family that will love to take her for a run, cuddle up next to her, and have their kids love on her.  But we can’t comprehend how you wouldn’t do everything in your power to raise and love your dog forever.  And don’t even get us started on what we would have done if our parents got rid of our dogs when we left for college…

So on Friday, Jenny was up working in the mountains and Marc works brutal 10 hour days.  Since we wouldn’t be home when Brandi arrived (she was being transported from out of state) we arranged for her to stay with our friend Gail.  Gail took her in and tried to keep her comfy.  Unfortunately, Brandi was really stressed in the car…perhaps because the last car ride she took was from her family of nearly a decade to a shelter?!  Anyway, she was pretty stressed, so Gail offered her a crate and she ran right in.  It was what she needed, her own space.  When Jenny showed up, she was still in the crate, but with a friendly voice and a little coaxing she came right out and put her leash on.  On the ride home she was super stressed again — panting like crazy, poor thing.  But once home, introductions to our pack were uneventful.  She did, however, really need a bath, a dental cleaning, and a pedicure.

Deciding not to overwhelm her, we stuck with just the bath on Friday night — that we couldn’t postpone.  She was surprisingly good.  Stood there and didn’t make any grand efforts to get out of the tub.

Saturday was time for nails, and she was really great about that too.  She just laid back and enjoyed her tummy rub from Jenny while Marc dremmeled her talons down.  Today we tackled her teeth.  Yuck.  No wonder she had such bad breath — her tartar was BLACK.  She was such a good little patient.  We scaled her teeth pretty well, and will do more clean up work next week.  For now she deserves a break from her make-over!

Jenny’s Mom & Step-Dad were in town this weekend so Brandi got lots of lovin’!  We also took her on several walks and discovered she needs some work on heeling 🙂  But she is great with kids and small dogs and is a huge cuddle muffin!  She’s so great, she will probably be adopted very quickly, so we will treasure every day we get to keep her!

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