2016 NAC

I feel like you need to start by watching this quick flick of our trip to Tulsa:  https://youtu.be/FOsi5yUJ86g

Did that do it?  Do you feel how amazing this experience and weekend was?   Friday we ran in ISC which we used as a practice run on all the contacts, equipment, and to get a sense of the running surface.  That night, we met up with all our Vizsla friends from around the country for some QQritas and good times.  And Emily & Blake joined in as honorary guests since everyone loves a Golden Retriever.  We do not get to see this group enough, so dinner went entirely too fast.

Saturday was super cold.  Frost warning, and everything.  Luckily we had a pretty late ring time, so Jenny had time to grab a cappuccino and a scone at a cute little local coffee shop.  During the day, we ran in Jumpers and had a clean run!  Standard was almost perfect (her Aframe was actually BEAUTIFUL) but her dogwalk contact was a little high giving us a fault.  However, Karma’s times in both runs were still good enough to keep us towards the top of the rankings.  Miraculously, we managed to get together with MOST of the other Vizslas running and get a group picture.  The AKC even featured the picture on their page with the caption, “Vizsla Represent at the NAC.”  Pretty Cool.  Saturday night, Jenny ended up eating at the super yummy hotel restaurant again since we had an early ring time for Hybrid on Sunday.

Karma not amused with the frost warning and refusing to stand up so she can get her coat on.

This year, the AKC decided to put the top 200 hundred dogs in the 20” class in a separate ring from the remaining 143.  When Emily and Jenny made the goal list for this year, we really wanted to make the top 200 so we could be in the ring with all the screaming fast border collies — you know, bring up our game.  And… WE DID IT!!  We both made it into the contention group!  Karma’s hybrid run was the 8th one of the day, and we were CLEAN!!  Although we didn’t have a chance of making finals since we had a fault in Standard, we were still left Tulsa as the highest ranked Vizsla in the 20” class at number 98!  That is an awesome finish in SPITE of a penalty! 🙂  Since we had a nice early running time, we were also able to pack up our crate and stall stuff, and get back to the hotel to shower off all the horse dust before heading home.

Tulsa, you were an amazing experience, and we are so proud of our two-time NAC qualifier!

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